E 205 2009 - 2010: 1ère Session

Publié le par uacenglish.over-blog.com

First Semester Examination
August 2009
Second Year
Duration: 1H 30 mn



Assignment: Answer all the questions in each category of civilization

A) E 205 A (African Civilization)

Questions (30mn)

1 - Who was the leader of Mau Mau movement? What are the goals of that movement?

2 - Show that Jacobo and Ngotho are two antitetical characters.
3 - "Yes, that's how your land was taken away." "The Bible paved the way for the sword."
Said Kiarie. What do the Bible and the sword stand for?
4 - What weapons did the Africans (Kenyans) use to fight the Portuguese and Arabs in Kenya?
5 - Give three functions of land in African context.
6 - Show that education is useful to the people in Weep Not Child.

B) E 205 B (American Civilization)

Write suitable answers to the questions below. (30 mn)

1 - Why was it necessary to convene the continental congress of March 1789?

2 - Why the Alien and seditious Acts passed by the congress in 1798 during the administration of President John Adams?
3 - How did President Thomas Jefferson contribute to the territorial expansion of the USA,
4 - Who is said to be the father of:
. The American Declaration of Independence?
. The American Constitution?

C) E 205 C (British Civilization)

Questions (30 mn)

Answer the questions below in good English

1 - What's Margaret Thatcher's political party?
2 - Who was Prime Minister in February 2010?
3 - What is by-election?
4 - Cite 2 names of British Newspapers.
5 - How is the Prime Minister chosen in U.K?

6 - What is N.H.S? When was it created and who gave the idea?


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